Hi! Welcome to my blog. I hope that this is a place where we can share together in the craziness of life and ministry.
I have a passion to disciple the next generation of girls - middle school, high school, college, and their leaders. I started this crazy journey of ministry since before I even knew that's what I was doing. God called me into ministry in ninth grade. At the time that call was to overseas missions and for the next eight years that was my heart and assignment. After several summers of my crazy parents allowing a high schooler to live overseas, pursuing a college career with the purpose of going overseas, giving my heart away to the nations, and while living in Santiago, Chile, God did this crazy thing and called me out of overseas missions and to the States. Who even knew God called people out of a certain calling?! I'd later learn that the calling was the same, the assignment just changed. Isn't that cool!
During this almost 15 year journey since 9th grade, I've come to have a burden for the teenage and college women around me. God has been faithful in giving my heart a passion for seeing people freed with the truth - from materialism, insecurities, hurt, drama...the list goes on. I also have a passion to free people from the water crisis and human trafficking crisis around the world.
And so that's my heart. I want to reach students for Christ. And I want to equip those who feel the same way.
When I officially took a position on staff as a Girls Minister back in 2012, there were very little resources. I felt pretty lost, not knowing what I was doing or supposed to be doing. I wanted more than to just be talking about modesty. Girls ministry has come a long way, thankfully. And along that way, I've learned a lot, made a lot of mistakes, and had a lot of fun in the process. So I hope to share my stories here of what it means to dig into girls ministry. I'd love for this conversation to be two sided, so please contact me with questions and thoughts!
I am the Girls Minister at First Baptist Church of Frisco, TX, and have written for Minted Truth, weekly small groups, as well as for camps and DNow weekends. I love speaking to groups of all sizes - one on one discipleship, small groups, entire ministries. Teaching is a passion of mine.
I went to Ouachita Baptist University, learned a lot about Psychology, Spanish, and Biblical Studies (because I couldn't just pick one) and then studied Theology and Christian Education for some Master's degrees at Dallas Baptist University (again, I'm ridiculous and couldn't just pick one...I also didn't realize I was getting two degrees until they literally handed me two diplomas at graduation and the shock on my face was a real thing).
I can typically be found with a mug of coffee in my hand, with an invasion of students in my home, and just to cut to the chase, the way to my heart is through s’mores.
Follow me on or Instagram @brittanygreenbean and Twitter @brittanynicol18.